Exhibiting at Makevention!
Makevention is a free makers convention that takes place yearly at the Bloomington Convention Center, and the Nocturnes will be exhibiting this year! On Saturday August 24th from 10am-4pm we will be joining Blooming Labs to host some tabletop gaming related activities.
From 10am to noon there will be a terrain building seminar where I showcase some techniques for constructing scifi, fantasy, and natural terrain features out of recycled materials. Each participant will get a bag of supplies to use, and there will be stations for cutting, gluing, and for using specialized tools. Everyone gets to take home what they make and whatever supplies from their bag that they didn’t use, along with some instructions for how they should paint their terrain safely.
Then from noon until 4pm I’ll be at my exhibitor’s space running game demos for some skirmish miniatures games. One station will be for War Cry, the new fantasy skirmish game by Games Workshop, and the other will be set for Necromunda, for which we will be running our next big campaign. It should be a good chance for people to see what these games are all about and hopefully learn a thing or two as well!
You can check out the details for the event on its facebook page here: